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Brain Issues

Everything we do affects the brain: the inflammatory foods that we eat, how we think, how much we exercise, what environmental toxins we are exposed to, and even how we maintain our gut health. Many brain issues are systemic disorders where the body affects the brain. 


Today, more than ever, our brain health has been compromised. Current data from the Centers for Disease Control reveals a 41% increase in rates of ADHD diagnosis over the past decade and a forty-fold spike in bipolar disorder diagnosis. Similarly, diagnoses of various autism spectrum disorders, once considered rare, have increased by 78% since 2002.

Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia


There are roughly 10 million new cases of dementia worldwide each year. Every 65 seconds, someone in America develops Alzheimer's. An estimated 5.5 million people of all ages have some form of Alzheimer’s disease. There are roughly 10 million new cases of dementia worldwide each year. Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia.


Whether it is ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s or dementia, all brain-related disorders respond favorably to functional medicine treatment. If you or a loved one are suffering from certain brain conditions, schedule a free 10-minute consult with Dr. Cirelli at Total Body Health Functional Medicine today to see how functional medicine can help you! 

The Clinic

8865 Brecksville Rd. Suite 8 Brecksville, Ohio 44141

Tel: (330) 347-2705

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